Change the app your files open in

Here’s a great tutorial on from Kevin Riebau on how to permanently tell your computer which application you want it to use when opening certain files.

An issue that keeps coming up – enough to warrant the production of the following 1min video – is that of files not opening in our preferred program. Many times this is due to upgrading software like Microsoft’s Word ’03 to Word ’07 and Promethean’s ActivStudio to ActivInspire. For example, the issue is that when you click on a .doc file, it doesn’t automatically open in Word ’07 (because .docx files do that initially). The idea is that you want to customize what app your files open in – typically the upgraded software or your preferred program. The following movie will show you how to make your files automatically do this all the time and the process can be applied to any kind of files and their associated prgrams (for instance all audio filetypes .mp3, .aiff, .wav with iTunes).

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]

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