Self-Organizing with Google Calendar

Here’s a clever idea from Willy, who is a Technology Facilitator at Fletcher Intermediate. Fletcher Intermediate has four netbook carts. It is a cumbersome task to organize ‘when’ and ‘where’ four computers carts will be at any given moment during the day. Especially when you have a dozen teachers all clamoring to use them.

google_calendar_for_netbooks.jpg The solution he came up with is to enable teachers to organize themselves and the carts using Google Calendar. This pulled him out of the role as an organization middle-man and enhanced the communication between teachers. Now when a teacher needs the cart they go to the calendar that lists calendars for all four carts and they write themselves in to an open time that works best for them. Each teacher is in charge of going to the classroom that last used the cart to retrieve it. The honor-system triumphs again!

If there are ever any problems, they all know who to talk to by using the calendar. Check out the above example of one week with the calendars.

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