21st Century Tools Workshop

Here’s a quick way to promote innovation in technology fluency among your staff. You’ll need a bit of preparation and a 70 minute block of time (not to mention the technology). Thanks to Shawna Lyons for this idea. Timeframe: 70 minutes

Set up 4 stations…. visualizer, active expressions, netbook, ipods/recorders.
Have the following posted:  “What ways can you use this technology to support student learning?”
Prepare a Google Form to survey teachers and share the results link for debrief.


TPaCKLAUNCH (20 minutes):
View a 21st Century Learner video (choose one from below).
Discuss students needs in terms of 21st Century skills (aided by graphics).

EXPLORE (30 minutes):
TimelineDivide teachers into four groups and have them rotate stations every 7 and 1/2 minutes. While there they discuss as a team how they have, could, or would use the technology to enhance learning.

21st Century LearnerDEBRIEF (20 minutes):
(10 minutes) Each team of teachers works together to share their top five ideas on how to use each item using Google Docs.
(10 minutes) Teachers peruse the google form and glean ideas from the other three teams. They may choose to compare them to these resources as well.

Instructional Technology resources:



Objective: 3.
NETS for Administrators: Excellence in Professional Practice
-Educational Administrators promote an environment of professional learning and innovation that empowers educators to enhance student learning through the infusion of contemporary technologies and digital resources. Educational Administrators:
a.     allocate time, resources, and access to ensure ongoing professional growth in technology fluency and integration.

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