In order to familiarize with some of the tools installed on the netbooks. We are going to use a few to create a presentation for your students. The purpose is to share the learning goals you developed this morning in order to demonstrate Life-Long Learning. If you have something more pressing that you would like to present, please do so.
At the completion of this project you will have a flipchart that you will use to present to your students and/or colleagues. When we’re done, you’ll have these items on your desktop, .xmind, .png, .doc, .aup, .mp3, .jpg, and a .flipchart.
First create a folder on your desktop titled EETT. This will be where you’ll put everything when you’re done creating.
To start with, let’s use Xmind to organize our thinking. Here’s an example of how your graphic organizer may take shape.
Use Screenshot to capture your graphic organizer if xmind is not exporting as an image. Save the file to the desktop.
Next, open Open to compose your ideas. Remember to use your ideas gathered from the graphic organizer. We’re going to record your voice next so be sure to write fluent sentences.
Now open Audacity. Using your most sincere voice. Record your writing. Export it as an .mp3 to the desktop.
Use Cheese to take a picture of yourself for your project. Drag it to the desktop.
Open ActivInspire and whip your media into a presentation.