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Brain Pop Resources

brainpop_promethean.jpgIf you or your school has a subscription to Brain Pop Jr, you’ll want to see this site. Kim Duran has organized a page of resources for Brain Pop Jr. Of all of the resources she has here, the best are the matrixes. She has made it really easy to find the Brain Pop Jr. resources that you most need. The resources are aligned in science, math, and literacy. Check it out!

Google Chrome

ChromeHave you ever opened a web page like say, a wordpress blog or some other educational site and waited painfully as it loaded? Meanwhile your 30 or 40 students grow more impatient with each passing second? They start talking off-topic and you wish the page would load already.

Well then, this may be just what you are looking for. Today Google released their own web browser. It is lightning fast and can handle multiple tabs simultaneously without slowing down. You can download the browser here. Also, here’s a blog post from Computer World if you are interested in learning why it’s faster. 

(Brandy, this post is for you.)

When a Problem Comes Along, You must “Flip It!”

flip_mino.jpgA few weeks ago a received a Flip Mino video camcorder. It is a marvel of technology. It’s the size of a phone and takes decent video. It is a fantastic classroom tool. Students and teachers can use it to easily capture marvelous moments or powerful projects. Just press the power button, press record and away you go!

I used the Flip to capture the therapeutic water display in my office. The rhythmic sound of rain dripping from the ceiling to the rubbish receptacles on the floor and table has a way of easing tension that I find comforting.

Once you’ve captured your video. A little USB flips out and can be plugged directly into your computer. Then drag the video from the Flip to your desktop. Because of special codecs on the video, not everyone can see the video. So before publishing or sharing the video, be sure to convert it from “.avi” to “.mp4.” There are lots of free software available that you can do this with. I’ve had success using  “Jodix Free iPod Video Converter.” Export your video at the size of 320 X 240.

When a Problem Comes Along, You must “Flip It!”

flip_mino.jpgA few weeks ago a received a Flip Mino video camcorder. It is a marvel of technology. It’s the size of a phone and takes decent video. It is a fantastic classroom tool. Students and teachers can use it to easily capture marvelous moments or powerful projects. Just press the power button, press record and away you go!

I used the Flip to capture the therapeutic water display in my office. The rhythmic sound of rain dripping from the ceiling to the rubbish receptacles on the floor and table has a way of easing tension that I find comforting.

Once you’ve captured your video. A little USB flips out and can be plugged directly into your computer. Then drag the video from the Flip to your desktop. Because of special codecs on the video, not everyone can see the video. So before publishing or sharing the video, be sure to convert it from “.avi” to “.mp4.” There are lots of free software available that you can do this with. I’ve had success using  “Jodix Free iPod Video Converter.” Export your video at the size of 320 X 240.

Podcasting on a PC

Here’s a clear list of the steps needed to create and publish an audio podcast using a PC.


~Thank you to Ivan.