Summer TTA Tech Classes

Greetings! Hope everyone is having a great summer!

We are again offering optional classes for Telluride Teacher Academy (TTA) Hours prior to staff in-service. This is just a save-the-date e-mail and we will send out registration information shortly. Below is the schedule and here are the class descriptions:

power-user-video-contestTuesday, August 12th
(TIS Rooms 200 & 203)

  • 8:30 – 12:30: PowerTeacher*
  • 1:30 – 3:00:  Screencasting

Wednesday, August 13th
(TIS Rooms 200 & 203)

  • 8:30-11:30:  Schoology*
  • 12:30-2:00: 10 Things You Should Know About Google Drive

Monday, August 18th
(TIS Rooms 200 & 203)

  • 3:30-6:30: Schoology


*Both PowerTeacher and Schoology will be offered during inservice as well. It will be the exact same class. By taking this class, you earn TTA hours and then you will not have to take the class during in-service, which means you can use that as personal classroom time.

Class Descriptions:

Christopher EarthTree


Image credit:

5th Grade’s Colonial Revolution Videos 2014

Ms. G’s Class

Mrs. Jurkowski’s Class

Mrs. Kimbrell’s Class

1:World 2013-2014

Chess Club: Canceled May 5th

Our last two Chess Club meetings will be May 12, & 19 3:30-4:30 at TIS.

Tech Tuesday: Airserver & QR Codes

Yesterday during Tech Tuesday, we explored using Airserver/Airplay and QR Codes in the classroom.

If you haven’t gotten set up for Airserver yet and would like to, let me know. Airserver_icon_x512Airserver makes it super easy for you (and students) to stream whatever is displaying on your iPad directly to your laptop. If your laptop is plugged in to the projector then you can rove the classroom UNTETHERED while still projecting ideas to the class.

Quick Response (QR) Codes are those square barcodes that can be used for giving you quick access to a website. qr-codeAll of the TIS students have a scanner application on the toolbar of their iPads. My favorite way to create a QR code is by using After you paste in a link to shorten it, you can click on details for a QR code that can be saved or printed. There are a multitude of ways to use QR codes. Check out this video for a few ideas.

Please let me know if you would like support, ideas or a second pair of hands infusing this technology into your classroom instruction.