Tech Tuesday (capture)

captureFebruary 4th, 3:30-4:30, we’ll be exploring the use of the iPad application Capture to see how it can be used to teach CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.4.2-6.2.

Please bring your iPad charged with Capture installed. OR grab a student iPad a be ready to login to their Google Drive. We’ll meet in room 200.

More information.

Students WANTED for TIS Tech Crew


I just put up posters requesting students for a TIS Tech Crew. I’ll make an announcement during the Miner Meeting as well.



Students are welcome to sign up now or wait until after the Miner Meeting. If they have any questions, they can talk to me or wait until the Miner Meeting.

The plan is to meet with students weekly. I may have to divide the team into two groups 4/5th and 6th due to schedules. Students will learn how to trouble-shoot common software/hardware issues and will also create and publish tutorials via screencasts.

If you have a student in mind that you think would be great for this, please encourage them to sign up. They can use the QR code scanner to scan the bar code on the poster, which will take them to the form. Or they can just go to

Thanks so much!



Tech Tuesday (Nearpod)

Hello everyone,

During the upcoming Tech Tuesday we are going to take a closer look at Nearpod.

Here are the highlights of what Nearpod can do:
– engage students with interactive lessons
– control student devices
– share content in real time
– instantly project student work from student ipad
– more, way, way more

Nearpod enables you to send information directly to student ipads simultaneously. You can also have students diagram, draw, label, match or whatever to a slide and then give instant feedback to students based on what they send you. Nearpod is ideal for giving students an opportunity to share their thinking on mathematics problems, diagrams, graphic organizers, maps, and much more. You basically send out a problem to students simultaneously and give them an opportunity to work on it individually, paired or grouped. You can see all of their screens while the students are working. You can select students to show their work on the projector screen and/or student iPads. Unlike working on slate whiteboard, students working on the iPad can have their work instantly shared and captured. There are LOTS of possibilities!

More Info:

Hour of Code

Classroom Teachers,

Computer Science Education Week is December 9-15, 2013, I’d like to pretend it runs now through January 31st 2014!   🙂    So I’ll just go with that. describes this as “a celebration geared to encourage interest in the field and show that anyone can learn the basics. Today, we’re surrounded by technology. Many students have their own tablets and phones — and yet, few are learning how computers actually work. Simple computer science activities can help nurture creativity and problem solving skills. By getting a feel for computational thinking early, students will have a foundation for success in any future career path.”

SO… in order to encourage students to give coding a try, I would LOVE to come into your classroom sometime during December (6th Grade only) or January (4th, 5th and 6th) to give your students time to code. We’ll be using  Hopscotch which enables students to visually move blocks of code around and instantly test their work.

I apologize for putting you off until January 4th/5th teachers. The app I need wasn’t able to get installed over break, but will be (I’m confident) during Winter Break.

If you are up for this, let me know. An hour of time is ideal. It is the “Hour of Code.” But I’ll settle for 45 minutes or whatever time you have. If you want to pass, no problem.

During the lesson I’ll demonstrate to students how they can  draw points, lines,  angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. CCSS.Math.Content.4.G.A.1

Current Events Easy/Challenging to READ

Hello everyone,

If you and your students read current events as part of your curriculum or if you enjoy using current events with social studies and science, this is the site for you! It is also aligned with the Common Core.

With a click of a button, you can change the reading level on a news article from 5th to 3rd… or even up to 12th! There are also corresponding quizzes that go along with most of the articles.

>>>> <<<

Thanks to Chery for showing this to us and James for writing up reasons (below) why you’ll LOVE this site.

Screenshot from 2013-12-03 10:27:28

“Here’s what

makes it amazing:

1. You can choose the reading level of the article and switch it on the
fly. The same article can be read by an 11th grader and a 3rd grader.

2. You can assign articles to classes or groups of students. So you
could assign more difficult reading to advanced readers and simplify it
for lower readers. And you can keep track of what the students are
reading and their progress on quizzes (see below).

3. Many articles come with a comprehension quiz (self-grading).

4. Lots of categories!

5. All students can sign in with google.”
