Weekly Chess Puzzle

Here’s the weekly Chess Puzzle. It’s mate in two moves.

I’ll keep publishing the puzzles on Edmodo, but will also start publishing here.

Please feel free to discuss on Edmodo and explain which move you would make and why. You can leave a comment below.

Also, remember, if you want to be put into the drawing to explain the best move at the end of our Club meeting, then fill out a ticket and put it into to the pot on Wednesday.

Chess Puzzle of the Week

Chess Puzzle of the Week

Chess puzzle from http://chesspuzzles.com/mate-in-two



Notes from the 21st


Divergent thinking:Are students inadvertently being punished for being divergent thinkers?

“You have to have it messy before you have it organized.”






Typing Skills

Why should I learn to type?

In the intermediate grades, students can generally hand write 8-12 words per minute. However when typing, students are expected to type between 30 and 40 words per minute. More information by Lisa Nielsen

How much type will you save if you can type 40 words per minute? 50? 60?

Try this Typing Calculator to see how much time you can save if you improve your typing.

Here are some links to some resources to help you improve your typing skills.

Typing Goals

Typing Goals

Typing Practice

Typing Practice




Typing Test

Typing Test


Again, Here is a link to 10 other sites that you can practice on.

Audacity to iMovie

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

TIS Chess Club

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Your child is invited to join the TIS Chess Club. This year the Chess Club will be meeting on Wednesdays May 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd from 3:30 – 4:30 in the TIS Lab.

The TIS Chess Club welcomes students of every ability level, from the complete beginner to accomplished grand masters. Everyone will learn new tactics, new strategies and will have FUN!

The membership fee for Chess Club is $10 (scholarships available) and is valid through their entire school career. This small fee will help to ensure that Chess Club will be able to continue next year. There are no refunds. Students will also receive a tournament style board and pieces in order to practice at home with friends and family.

Students MUST have a permission form signed by a parent in order to join. Please indicate below if your child will be picked up, or will be walking home on their own. Please be in the school driveway loop by 4:35 if you will be picking up your child.

Students are welcome to bring snacks to the Chess Club.

Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.

Mr. EarthTree

Enrichment & Technology Teacher

Telluride Intermediate and Middle Schools
Calendar: goo.gl/tRHbn
(970) 235-0155